Guided Reading Activity Lesson 4 World War I Ends Review Questions

Animals of the Great War

The Touch on of Animals During WWI

K - 5, 6 - 8
Animals played a large role during the conflict known as the Great War. From traditional warfare animals such equally horses and dogs to exotic animals such as lions, monkeys, and bears, animals of all types were important to both the war effort and to the morale of the troops on the front lines. In this lesson, elementary and eye school students will examine the use of different animals in various aspects of state of war. Students will then create their own museum showroom based on the contributions of i particular animal.
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Breaking News: June 28, 1914

Austrian Heir and His Wife Murdered in Bosnian Majuscule

K - 5, half dozen - eight, 9 - 12, Other
This handout from the National Earth War I Museum and Memorial, written in the style of a breaking news alarm, explains the events of June 28, 1914, when Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated.
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Changing Technology Lesson Plan


How technology changed the way WWI was fought

6 - 8, 9 - 12
Why is WWI considered the first "modern" state of war? In this lesson, high school students will consider the advancement in engineering science and, specifically, adaptations of trench warfare based on technological advances through discussion, primary sources and a hands-on activity.
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Understanding the Human Feel of WWI Through Correspondence

9 - 12
In this collaborative lesson, students will employ their understanding of the history of WWI and the impact it had on private young men and women in the war by creating personas of individuals from that time and corresponding with a peer, writing postcards from the forepart.
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CSI Holy Land

WWI in the Eye East: Analyzing Primary Source Documents

9 - 12
How was the Middle East continued to the origins of WWI? What did war in the Heart East await like? How was the peace procedure different for the Heart East than it was for European nations? This lesson helps students develop their reading, writing and belittling skills, while also learning more most World State of war I and the modernistic Middle East. Students read primary accounts (diaries and newspaper accounts), analyze visual images (photographs and drawings), carry inquiry and create a documentary or news program.
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Dangers of the Printed Word

Media and the Armenian Massacres

9 - 12
This upper high schoolhouse lesson looks at the Armenian massacres as a launching point for 20th century genocides. The primary focus of the project is to delve into the role the media plays in chronicling and sharing the events of the Armenian massacres likewise every bit the impact it has on the outcome of the massacres and the reaction of the international community.
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Civil Liberties in America During World War I

9 - 12, Other
President Woodrow Wilson created the Committee on Public Information (CPI) to mold Americans into "i white-hot mass" of war patriotism. Congress besides passed the Espionage Act (1917) and the Sedition Act (1918) to curb wartime dissent. These methods of garnering support for the war allowed for suppression of civil liberties. This lesson plan encourages students to expect critically at these acts and determine for themselves when is it adequate to limit American civil rights.
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Document Based Question

United states Enters WWI: Weighing the Conclusion to Enter the War

9 - 12
The United States' decision to declare war on Federal republic of germany in 1917 was not made lightly. While many citizens supported the declaration of state of war, there were many that stood opposed. These primary sources represent arguments made by both sides of the issue as the nation wrestled with a decision that would forever alter the United states of america' role in global affairs.
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Certificate Based Question

Peace Talks and Self-Decision

nine - 12
In his 14 Points proposal, President Woodrow Wilson advocated for cocky-conclusion and the interests of the populations of colonial territories, but who exactly did Wilson intended to receive rights of self-conclusion? Students are asked to evaluate an historian's arguments with review of related primary documents, highlighting the experience of postal service-WWI colonies.
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Document Based Question

German-Americans in WWI: Facing Challenges at Abode

9 - 12
What challenges did German-Americans face after the The states entered World War I? Students will clarify primary source documents, including propaganda posters, letters, and legislation, to understand the attitudes and challenges faced by the High german-American customs, and how they responded.
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Economics of State of war

A Report in Finance and Patriotism

ix - 12
State of war bonds are a financial concept that have been around since the Civil War. The bonds, whose campaigns were often patriotic in nature, were readily used to decrease financial burdens in conflicts from WWI to the Vietnam War, and briefly in support of anti-terrorism. Using Liberty Loan bonds of WWI as a signal of study, students can use this lesson plan to create connections to fiscal obligations the United States government faced in Republic of iraq and Transitional islamic state of afghanistan.
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How WWI Changed America

6 - 8, 9 - 12, Other
How WWI Changed America includes a series of "toolkits" for educators with resources, lessons, videos and podcasts almost the enduring impact of the First World War in the United States. This project was created to better the resources materials for education history in the United States and to increase central noesis of World State of war I.
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Lessons of Liberty: Patriotism

Analyze WWI Propaganda Posters

vi - 8, 9 - 12
This lesson plan asks students to examine their understanding of "patriotism" by analyzing over 60 primary source propaganda posters that called America to action during World War I.
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Lest the Ages Forget

National Veterans Day Project

Chiliad - 5, 6 - 8, 9 - 12
Lest the Ages Forget provides teachers with a unique opportunity to educate 1000-12 students using primary sources and to enhance their historical thinking.
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Letters Home

Letters Inspired by Investigating WWI Photos

K - 5, 6 - 8
In this lesson, students research primary source photographs from Earth War I, to create a "letter dwelling" to describe the scene, all while answering the following questions: "What can nosotros acquire about Earth War I from photographs?"; "How can research into a soldier'southward family history help us understand the wider bear on of World War I?"; and "How can close test of a photo help us sympathise a different time period?"
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